Tag Archives: toilet cleaning

Toilet cleaning as performance art

Let’s have a show of hands from everyone who loves to clean their toilets.


Come come, don’t be shy. Raise those hands.

(Longer pause.)

OK, I think we can conclude that cleaning toilets is not high on anyone’s list of Really Fun Things to do.

Then why do we clean our toilets? The answer is obvious: We like clean toilets. If someone drops by for coffee, it’s nice to know the bathroom won’t shame us.

Now let’s try another experiment: Raise your hand if you can tell me who is more likely to clean those toilets – a man or a woman?

(Pause while the writer reels back to avoid all the upraised hands.)

OK, you there in the blue shirt, what’s your answer? … A woman? Right you are!

It’s true that women do most of the dirty chores in a house. No matter how liberated we are, it’s a fact that women do more housework.

Facts are funny things. You can rail and scream and fight, but facts don’t change. Women do more housework.

Why? Because we like our toilets clean. We might complain about it, but we prefer clean toilets to dirty ones.

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