Tag Archives: World Water Day 2008

WHO-UNICEF Advocacy for World Water Day 2008

WHO, together with UNICEF and WSSCC under the aegis of UN-Water, developed an Advocacy Guide for World Water Day 2008. This advocacy guide outlines the steps for groups or interested individuals at the country level to participate in the campaign to improve sanitation conditions.

Links to Advocacy Guide, Programme and Speeches

On World Water Day, a mighty global thirst

Oceans splash across most of the earth’s surface. But they contain saltwater, unfit for human consumption. Only a tiny fraction of the world’s water – about 2.5 percent – is drinkable. That still would be an ample supply if it were clean and available where needed.It’s not. Today some 1.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and 2.6 billion lack proper sanitation (adequate sewage disposal). As a result, tainted water supplies are blamed for the worldwide deaths of 1.8 million children, according to the United Nation’s Human Development Report for 2006. That’s 4,900 children per day under 5 years old (the number of children under 5 who live in New York and London combined).

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Cayman Islands – Water Day to focus on our good fortune

Most people in the Cayman Islands regard sanitation as a norm, something rarely meriting thought.

But maybe we should occasionally pause to consider what Cayman would be like if we lacked human waste disposal facilities, laws and regulations. Many places across the globe offer neither proper sanitation nor access to clean drinking water.

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