Over 4,000 hand washing SMS pledges from two districts in Uganda

Over 4,000 pledges were generated from local people in Sembabule and  Mityana districts In Uganda  within a period of a week after 15 October  who texted the word ‘PLEDGE’’ to 8181. With that they showed their commitment to wash their hands with soap. In reply, a message was sent back to them educating them about the importance of washing hands as one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, which together are responsible for the majority of child deaths

Text to Change provided a platform for this, partnering with USAID through STRIDES for Family Health and Unilever Uganda to promote healthy communities through a Global Hand Washing Day celebration on 15 October 2011. Amsterdam-based TTC is a nonprofit organization that uses sophisticated mobile phone technology to send out and receive information on health and other vital issues in developing countries.

During the Uganda event, the community was taught the importance of hand washing through demonstrations by the health workers. Dr Paul Kagwa, a Commissioner at the Ministry of Health was the chief guest who also demonstrated the full process of effectively washing hands with soap.

Source: Text to Change, 19 Oct 2011

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