Marketing Human Excreta: A Study of Possible Ways to Dispose of Urine and Faeces

Marketing Human Excreta: A Study of Possible Ways to Dispose of Urine and Faeces from Slum Settlements in Kampala, Uganda, 2011. E Schroeder, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Some key findings include: High sociocultural barriers associated with handling and using human excreta as fertilizer exist; sensitization does change people’s perceptions and behaviors considerably; and economical tools like the incentives applied in this study are helping to change people’s perceptions and behaviors.

One response to “Marketing Human Excreta: A Study of Possible Ways to Dispose of Urine and Faeces

  1. A very interesting well written paper. Very valuable in understanding the possibilities of implementing an economically sustainable system for the collection, transportation and distribution of urine and faeces from slum areas with the inclusion of all stakeholders, including the private sector.

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